Released in 2019 with the intent of being the last vaporwave project I work on. All supplies used to make the tapes bought from they have everything I could need, even beyond when it comes to cassettes or analog media in general. I wanted this album to be kind of a send off for the alias Neko Fureku and just kill that part of me. There's actually a narritive in the track names, I created a fictitious story for those observant enough to notice it but mostly for myself really. I could go through each title but essentially the first half is about a person murdering their significant other out of love and the other half is coping with raw emotions then eventually possibly game ending themselves. No one mentioned that part of it but I am surprised it got a decent amount of attention across the communities that consume this music. I am not a big name in the scene so it was unexpected to have a full page review on PRIVATE SUITE magazine. btw thanks to Dan who wrote that review, it kind of solidified my presence in a way but also lets me leave the genre on a very positive note. I may or may not take another stab at it but who knows...

Over the years I had been somewhat frustrated about my work in this genre and the community itself. Part of my concern was the production side of things such as originality and legality. In my experience and observation, originality will be highly more respected but also have a high chance of being rejected by the majority for being too original and not vaporwave enough. A large number of producers exploit nostalgia and familiarity very well but the very blurry line of legality and fair use is a tight rope I don't wish to walk on. I am exploring different avenues and ventures when it comes to media and I can see some of what I and many do come back to haunt us in a very negative way. I try to make my work as transformative as I can and given the nature of the genre you can't stray too far left or right, it's an art really. Anyways I am choosing to leave this genre behind. I honestly think it will lead me nowhere in terms of a meaningful and fruitful career. Eventually the genre will just end up being choke slammed into submission by music companies. 100% original vaporwave is an oxymoron, you can lie to yourselves but we all know what vaporwave really is. i am out!