Aliases: Meowflakes, Katzeflocken, Neko Furēku, 猫フレーク
Performer, producer and visionary of electronic instrumentation.

Hi i am an artist from Canada and I've been tinkering with electronic instruments since around 2013. I've been producing house/techno/synth music mainly under the alias "MEOWFLAKES" since 2011 and "Neko Furēku" for vaporwave projects. Never really got serious until 2015, I realized it was more than a just hobby or thing i did in my spare time. It grew into a passion and an avenue to express myself in a way everyone can enjoy. I primarily used DAW's to produce and after many years of viewing the Boiler Room streams, the use of electronic instruments the artists used in their sets grew very attractive to me. I may not be as gifted or talented as others who use them but the allure of crafting sound in analog fashion was something I had to experience for myself and with my own two hands. Through a little hard work I was able to accumulate a handful of synths, pedals, samplers and drum machines. Although fun, it's very frustrating to learn when creation can all too easily turn into obsession as I experiement/discover the machines limitations. Within the sound is limitless creation and I want to stay forever.
Other names I've produced under all roughly translate to the same words "meow" and "flakes". I thought it would be fun to use different names in the event I made different genre's so it does come in handy to have similar yet different brands. I might be exposing myself a little here but I chose that name as a light-hearted parody of a username i seen in a forum, their username was "Coca**eflakes" (white crystalline powder, censored for obvious reasons) which was also a parody of the name "Cornflakes". Back in early 2010's there was a very popular thing called "mephedone" or 4mmc and it was sold as "plant food". It had a ton of other silly names like "meow meow" and as a joke I decided to use Meowflakes as a reference to the now controlled product. Eventually leading to all the aliases used as stated in the top of this page. Basically it's just a tongue in cheek reference incorporating word play in different languages. This is all very esoteric knowledge and probably not even worth mentioning. Did I need to state this? Probably not, I could have just said "cat food" and called it a day.